
The I’m Still Here® Experience

Memory Care Certification Options

Organizations that complete comprehensive certification training in the I’m Still Here® approach are awarded the designation as an “I’m Still Here® Center of Excellence.”  

Certified organizations also derive enormous benefit from our re-certification process. Each year, on the anniversary of a completed certification, Organizational Partners have the option to maintain their I’m Still Here® Center of Excellence designation by participating in a Quality Assurance Evaluation. This on-site assessment is conducted annually to ensure the I’m Still Here® approach is being applied consistently at all of our Centers of Excellence.

The Hearthstone Institute offers two options for certification of Memory Care Programs in the I’m Still Here®  experience: the efficient Silver package which includes all the basic modules and embedding described below; and the comprehensive Gold package which provides additional embedding visits and advanced training. 

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Silver Level

Basic I’m Still Here® Certification Training

  • I’m Still Here® Building Blocks
    • Overview of Dementia
    • Communication Techniques
    • Personal Care Experience
    • Dining Experience
    • Approach to Managing “Challenging Behaviors” (P.O.W.E.R.™)
    • The I’m Still Here® Engagement Experience
    • Advanced Coaching
  • Two embedding visits
  • Access to the I’m Still Here® Engagement Materials Portal
  • Weekly e-mail links to customized content

Gold Level

Includes all of the Silver Level services plus the following:

  • One immersion visit to Abe’s Garden Memory Support in Nashville, TN
  • 8 Engage! tablet-based programs
  • I’m Still Here® Advanced Training modules
  • One additional embedding visit
  • A six-month quality assurance visit
  • Operational and Marketing support
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